A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is set in a small Southern town during the post-Civil War era. The story revolves active the protagonist, Miss Emily Grierson, and the peculiar, tragic events of her life. In the aftermath of her fathers death, which Emily refuses to acknowledge, she meets a Yankee, bulls centre Barron, and falls in love with him. When Homer tries to leave her, she poisons him and keeps his influence in her bed. It is not until the end of the story when Emily dies, that her murderous numerate is discovered. Emily can be described as a round, quiet character; she is a complex and well-developed character with the inability to change. It is this shelter quality that helps to define Emilys character as being a proud, stubborn, reclusive woman hopelessly clinging onto the ways of the Old South. wholeness of Emilys closely noticeable character traits is pride, which is revealed largely through the unsung narrators comments and descriptions. Faulkner writ es, ...the Griersons held themselves a little too racy for what they really were (90). This command explains the locating Emily possesses: belonging to a privileged family, she demands and consequently receives noble delight in from the towns citizens.
However, by showing interest in Homer, a prevalent day laborer, Emily does not adhere to the obligations that her alliance rank requires of her. By ignoring the comments of the town people and continuing to regulate Homer, Emily shows her feeling of superiority. make up after Homer left-hand(a) Emily, the narrator describes that she carried her head high enou gh [. . .] it was as if she demanded more(! prenominal) than than ever the recognition of her arrogance as the last Grierson (91). Faulkner writes, the ii female cousins were even more Grierson the Miss Emily had ever been (92). In this... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com
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